Fight again sex trafficking

Fight again sex trafficking

Blog Article

At Empire Escorts Agency, we are committed to eradicating modern slavery and sex trafficking. We rigorously vet every applicant, and suspicious activity is promptly reported to authorities. These crimes are incompatible with our values, and we are always vigilant to ensure our platform is free from exploitation.

What Constitutes Modern Slavery?
Modern slavery refers to the exploitation of people for profit, often by forcing them into labor or prostitution. These victims are frequently manipulated by criminal organizations and forced to work under dire conditions.

Sex Trafficking Explained
Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery where individuals are coerced into prostitution. Pimps often hold victims’ identification or threaten their families to control them. We take a hard stance against sex trafficking and will never tolerate it within our agency.

Sex Work vs. Trafficking
Sex work is consensual, while sex trafficking is based on force or coercion. Empire Escorts Agency only lists individuals who have willingly chosen to work with us, ensuring a safe environment for both escorts and clients.

Our Preventative Measures
We conduct thorough identification checks on every applicant to verify their age and independence. We also meet escorts regularly, ensuring their safety and happiness. While we can’t monitor everything, we believe these steps are enough to safeguard against trafficking.

Report Suspicious Activity
If you suspect someone is being exploited, please report your concerns to us immediately. If you feel the person is in immediate danger, contact the authorities.

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